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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Whitefield Academy Devotional

I realize most of our blog viewers visit this site to look at the photos so this entry may be a bit of a disappointment for some.  For the others, celebrate with me the challenge and the reward of being asked to deliver a comprehensive talk on a tiny little subject - CREATION with an outside time limit of 20 minutes.  After overcoming a number of technical glitches before the students' arrival, I spoke with the speed of an auctioneer delivering a four-point lesson on CREATION and then following up with a number of living parables and photos from previous OWLS Adventures. 

     What a blessing it was on the following night to have several of the students in the chapel program take the time and effort to look me up during the football game to tell me how much they enjoyed the discussion and the way they were looking forward to participating in a future OWLS Adventure.

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